Welcome to our KAPE program!
Koochiching Area Prevention in Education
Connect with us on Facebook: Koochiching Area Prevention in Education
What does KAPE do?
The KAPE Coalition was formed in August of 2015 to work towards reducing youth alcohol and other drug use in Koochiching County. Currently, the International Falls Public School has a prevention grant funding through the Drug Free Communities. While we have the funding, the hope is to create county wide partnerships to spread prevention efforts to all communities in the county. Please join us as we work together to create a better Koochiching County for our youth.
Join us as we work together:
Contact Jenesa Balaski or Beth Slatinski for volunteering with our coalition activities.
Monthly Coalition Meetings:
Second Tuesday of the Month at 11am on Google Meets.

Our students have been through a lot in the past few years!
Please join us in thanking these students for their willingness to continue to show positivity!
Students from FHS have continued to study, work and play all while showing support for each other.
Our kids are LEADERS! Please tell them how great they are!
And, remind them the importance of making healthy and safe choices when it comes to NOT using alcohol or other drugs.