International Falls Public Schools
1515 Eleventh Street
International Falls, MN 56649-2501
218.283.2571 Phone
218.283.2384 Fax
District-Wide Mission
In partnership with parents and the community, the International Falls School District will prepare every student to become a productive citizen by developing their maximum potential within a safe climate of mutual respect and trust.
Technology Vision
To provide a technologically-rich, standards-driven environment that supports all learners and staff and enables them to maximize their personal successes in a rapidly changing world.
Technology Mission
To address the need for all students and stakeholders to be literate and competent in the use of technology.
District Strategic Roadmap
Please take a look at our Strategic Roadmap to see what considerations are being made to ensure that everyone's experience at International Falls ISD 361 is a good one.
Our District
Independent School District No. 361 is located in International Falls, Minnesota, which is in Koochiching County. The Int'l Falls population is approximately 5,718, and Koochiching County has altogether around 12,059 residents. The District's preschool through 12th grade has an enrollment of 994. Falls Elementary School serves 511 students while the Falls High School enrollment is 483. The School District employs 70 licensed and 133 classified staff members.
ISD 361 offers an excellent transportation department, an extensive meal program, and a variety of programs and activities open for students. The High School Curriculum offers a vast number of courses, and students call also take advantage of our Post Secondary Option, where they can earn college credit while attending FHS. Our District has the following facilities: Falls Elementary School - housing students Kindergarten - 5th grade and Early Childhood programs; Falls High School - housing students 6th - 12th grade, Community Education, and District Business Office. We also have an Indoor Swimming Pool, All-Weather track, Baseball fields, Football Stadium, Indoor ice arena, and a Nordic skiing trail.
Superintendent Beth Shermoen