
ISD 361 Parents and Guardians,

      The recent rise in Covid – 19 cases throughout the area is affecting more families than we had hoped with the need to quarantine.  District staff will have a common platform to transmit work to families and have zoom available to support the families dealing with Covid -19 available no later than the Monday, September 20th. Families that need help with internet connectivity or a device while quarantined should contact either school office for assistance. We will provide a device and hotspot for the period of quarantine. This protocol is specifically for students that are positive for Covid-19, are quarantining because a family member has Covid-19, or are out with symptoms. This is not a voluntary program for families to choose distance learning as a full time option. ISD 361 appreciates the feedback we have receive from families and appreciate your patience as we work to support your children. Any questions, please reach out to the district at 283-2571.