FHS is hiring a Head Girls Basketball Coach!
ISD 361 is hiring a Principal for Falls High School!
Falls High School is hiring a Student Council Advisor!
ISD 361 is hiring 2024 Summer Student Custodians!
Educators, families, and students (grades 8–12), please speak up and take the Statewide Assessment Redesign Survey. Your voice can influence how assessment results are reported for our schools: tinyurl.com/state-testing-survey. Open until May 19.
Reminder Bingo at the VFW tonight, 7:00. Come early and have dinner. Grab a friend and come support Falls Education Foundation and Purple Pride. All proceeds will go back to help students of ISD 361.
Bingo on Friday, April 12th at 7:00 pm at the VFW. All money raised will benefit students of ISD 361. Thanks to Falls Education Foundation and Purple Pride.
FHS is hiring a .545 FTE Special Education Teacher, and FES is hiring a 1.0 FTE Special Education Teacher. www.isd361.org
Falls High Spring Sports Pepfest can be viewed online today at 10:20 on the following link:
Help support Falls Education Foundation and Purple Pride this Friday night. All proceeds directly benefit the students of ISD 361. Look at the amazing prizes. 7:00 at the VFW, Friday April 12, 2024.
International Falls School District wishes all prom attendees a safe and fun experience. We invite the public to Grand March which starts on Saturday at 7:00 pm in the Falls High School Gym. For those that can't attend, you can watch the event on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/@isd361homeofthebroncos8
Fall Elementary is hiring a Secretary!! Go to www.isd361.org and click on EMPLOYMENT for more information and job description!
ISD 361 is hiring a Superintendent.
Mark your calendars to come out and support Purple Pride Bingo at the VFW on April 12th. All proceeds support Falls High School activities.
More detailed information on the Business Manager position.
ISD 361 is hiring a Business Manager
Looking for Support to help raise money for the Senior Class Trip. Please see attached flyer for more details.
~Job Opportunity for Seniors this Summer~
This Public Schools Week, we’re thankful for the International Falls community!
Our teachers and staff, who work every day to shape the minds of our communities future leaders. Our students, whose resilience, passion, and achievements inspire us daily. And finally, our families and community members, who are supportive and active partners in our educational journey.
Let’s take time this week to celebrate our collective efforts that make our schools thrive! #PSW24 #HereForTheKids
It’s Public Schools Week! 🎉
During this special week, let's come together to acknowledge the impact of education on our community. Most importantly, we celebrate the level playing field that public schools provide for all students—regardless of ability, zip code, or status.
Our schools are a place where all students are accepted and celebrated. Every student’s unique abilities are championed and cherished. #PSW24 #HereForTheKids